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rewrite this title Shimmering Tigs & Moo Body Butter Packaging

Most organic skincare companies go for the minimalist, low-key approach for their packaging these days. Understandable, yes, but also this can be just a teensy bit bland, too. All of which gave start-up Tigs & Moo the perfect opportunity to leap off shelves with labels and packaging for their body butter line that shimmer and shine, creating a new “pattern” for shelf appeal.

The company, named after founder Alison Williams-Smith’s children – daughter Tiger-Lily (nicknamed “Tigs”) and son Marley (“Moo”) – was launched after store bought products failed to relieve their skin complaints, including eczema. The same independent spirit that inspired Alison to come up with her own body butter solution practically radiates from the Tigs & Moo packaging.

Designed by our friends at Studio Sutherl& [projects / website] and printed by Boss Print [projects / website], the folding carton grabs your attention right away with Copper tiger stripes on 2 sides, and cow markings on the sides opposite – all courtesy of colored foils strikingly applied to the 350 gsm (230 lb.) Colorplan Ebony substrate [Get Promotion!].

Yet the true magic happens once you place several boxes on the shelf together. That’s because when you do, the cow and tiger patterns “tessellate” – that is they repeat the same geometric shapes without gaps or overlapping.

Lining them up so the patterns alternate between cow and tiger stripes is also fun because the “Tigs” name is printed so close to the right-hand edge, while “& Moo” so close to the left-hand edge, they come together nicely into one bold logo when 2 boxes are sitting side by side.

Whether arranged on a shelf so that the same pattern is repeated, or both patterns alternated, the effect is riveting. Each jar label, too, has fun with this effect, pairing the tiger stripes with the cow markings through the same use of colored foils.

The more modest body butters with their simple farmers-market style packaging don’t really stand a chance.

Hot foil stamping brought something special to this packaging, but there are so many other options available to you these days. Get the pros and cons of each, including digital foiling – yes, there is such a thing – by downloading our free Foil Cheat Sheet right now.

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