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rewrite this title Creative Binding: 45-Degree Fold ‘Voices’ Promo

As graphic designers we live for those rare occasions when a client embraces our off-kilter view of the world, saying: “Design what you like – just make it unforgettable.” No problem, said William “Bill” Milnazik, founder of design and marketing firm Axis Visual – creating for Crown Vantage a stunning promo for their Graphika line […]

rewrite this title Creative Welcome Kit: Type Directors Club

To tweak a famous phrase, “typography is born free but everywhere it is in chains.” From store signs that look like eye tests to websites that use a dozen fonts when 3 would do, type is at the mercy of anyone with a keyboard today. But as this colorful piece for the Type Directors Club […]

rewrite this title ‘Let’s Take Care’ Letterpress Postcard Set

Since the founding of America one of its mottos has been “E pluribus Unum”: “Out of many, one.” It’s a sentiment celebrated recently in a series of postcards created by our friends at Chen Design Associates (projects / website) in response to a heartbreaking rise in violent attacks here against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders […]

rewrite this title Interactive Alexa Children’s Day Promotion

However quickly children adapt to technology, sometimes they need a helping hand to get acquainted with specific gadgets for the very first time. That’s why when Amazon wanted to entice Mexico’s children into using the voice-activated smart assistant Alexa, the creative team they approached turned to an older technology – the advent calendar – while […]

rewrite this title Kickstarter Reward: Animated Graphic Novel

Creating rewards for Kickstarter backers is notoriously difficult. Not only do you have to come up with something cost effective and easily scalable in quantity, but it also has to tie nicely into your main product’s theme, and tide people over until that product is finally ready to ship. This graphic novel fills in the […]

rewrite this title McGregor Square Sales Booklets

“Build it and they will come” is often the motto for property developers these days. But when your residential prices start at half-a-million dollars for a 450-square-foot studio, as was the case with the McGregor Square residences in Downtown Denver, people expect to receive a little something extra while they wait for their new homes […]

rewrite this title Creative Packaging Design: Camille Wine Labels

Rightly or wrongly the world of fine wine has a reputation for being pitched toward the elite. So when master sommelier Emily Wines – yes, that’s her name (see photo below) – had the opportunity to create a wine series of her own for Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants, she knew she wanted it to […]

rewrite this title ‘Mad Men’ Party Invitation Suite

Style is everything, as the groundbreaking AMC series Mad Men always reminded us. So when it came time to celebrate that show’s finale after 7 glorious years with a suitably upscale “Black & Red Ball” in LA prior to the airing of the final episode, my good friends at print studio Highresolution [projects / website] […]

rewrite this title Creative Invitation Design: Pebble Beach ‘Rendezvous’

When you’re a global risk management company like Applied Underwriters, how do you reward your key partners and decision makers after a stellar year that included regaining your independence from Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway? With a trip to attend the world famous AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Tournament in California, of course. And if you’re […]

rewrite this title Thought-Provoking Packaging Experience – The X-Perience Kit

“Mind blowing.” There really are no other words to describe the first time I saw the “X Box.” No, not the gaming console but rather the ingenious “X Box Packaging X-Perience” kit which is, quite simply, a packaging creator’s dream. Not only does it substantially help designers and clients develop the perfect packaging experience for […]

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